Solicitation, Advertising, and Marketing

Solicitation, Advertising, and Marketing

5.1 - Banners

Student organizations and University departments may reserve banner locations outside in the Amphitheater. Reservations are made through the EMS portal

Student organizations and University departments are limited to one banner reservation per semester. Reservations can only be made in week long increments (with week starting on a Monday).

Banners can be dropped off at the Newcomb Hall Information Desk on the 1st floor by 4:00 p.m. on the Thursday before banner reservation begins.

Banners whose reservations have ended are returned to the Information Desk every Monday morning. Banners will need to be picked up by the student organization/University department no later than 4:00 p.m. that Monday. Banners that are not picked up by Friday of that week will be discarded.

Banner Specifications

Banners must be made of a weather resistant material, preferably Vinyl, and have grommets installed in each corner for hanging. Banner reservations are from Monday to Sunday. Individual day requests are not permitted. Recommended width is 2'- 4' and maximum height is 12'.

The size of banner must be no wider than the widths listed below for each location.



1 & 4


 2 & 3


UVA Printing and Copying Services can help you with your banner design and creation.

 5.2 - Donation bins

Many student organizations and University departments collect items for food/clothing/supply drives. However, in order to ensure that paths of travel and egress are kept clear, donation/collection bins/boxes may not be placed within common areas of Student Affairs facilities without prior approval. Donation bins are approved on a case-by-case basis. Email [email protected] for inquiries.

5.3 - Posting and unattended literature distribution

In order to maintain clean and welcoming spaces promotional handouts, flyers, stickers, and the like are not permitted to be left unattended in any common area or meeting/event space. Items which are left out or posted in non-designated areas will be removed by facility operations staff without notice or warning.

5.4 - Table tents

Those who wish to post flyers may do so at designated posting locations in Student Affairs spaces. There are bulletin boards in Newcomb Hall stairwells as well as at the entrance to 1515 on the first floor. Flyers posted in these locations must adhere to University Policy PRM-008: Exterior Posting and Chalking.

As noted in Section 5.3, no unattended literature may be left in common areas and meeting/event spaces, including promotional paper table tents. Event Management is able to provide a limited supply of plastic tabletop flyer holders which may be reserved. To submit a reservation request email [email protected].

Table toppers are available to only one student organization/University department at any time and must be displayed on Newcomb Hall tables outside of dining areas. The student organization/University department who reserves the table toppers must stuff them and set them out themselves. Facilities operations will collect table toppers at the conclusion of the reservation.

5.5 - Tabling

Tabling locations (spaces to promote, fundraise, or recruit) which can be reserved are available in high traffic areas, including:

  • Northwest Sidewalk of Lower Lawn – 4 locations
  • Second Floor of Newcomb Hall – 4 locations
  • Monroe Plaza – 4 locations
  • Observatory Hill – 3 locations

These spaces may be reserved through the Event Management office. To reserve a tabling location, submit the reservation in the EMS Portal. Reservations are available on a first-come, first-served basis as sites are limited to the number of locations listed above for any given time. Once submitted in EMS, your reservation is automatically approved. 

Please note a table will not be setup in your reserved location for you. You may bring your own table or borrow one from Event Management. To borrow a table, bring your tabling space confirmation to the Newcomb Hall Service Desk located on the 3RD floor and let them know you wish to check out a table.

If a student organization arrives at a reserved location and finds it in use, a representative of the organization should advise the user that a reservation has been approved for the site. If the user fails to depart, the student organization should immediately contact Event Management at 434-924-7225.

Tabling Policies:

Fundraising projects are limited to one week per site and two weeks total for all sites per project unless sites are available at the conclusion of the two weeks.

Only homemade baked goods may be sold for fundraising purposes, and only at the reserved outdoor lawn and plaza tables. NO FOOD may be sold at the 2nd floor Newcomb Hall or O’Hill table locations (indoor or outdoor).