If you plan on having any of the following at your event, please fill out the appropriate form.
All events where alcohol will be served, whether department or student-sponsored, must be approved in compliance with STU-001: Use of Alcoholic Beverages and Prohibition of Other Drugs. Submit the Approval Request for Use of Alcoholic Beverages at least fourteen (14) days prior to the proposed event.
*Note: Any event with alcohol in a Student Affairs-managed space must also submit a Security Request Form.
Amplified Sound at an Outdoor Location
Amplified sound cannot exceed more than three (3) hours at a space per day, and is generally limited to the following time periods to not conflict with classes, residential living, or the working environment:
- Friday: 6 pm – 10 pm
- Saturday and Sunday: 10 am – 10 pm
Submit the Amplified Sound Approval request at least fourteen (14) days prior to the proposed event.
Amplified Sound Approval Request
Equipment that will need to be plugged in at any Student Affairs space**
Some equipment available through Event Management requires the approval of the Audio Visual Manager. Any A/V equipment provided by the customer or rented from an outside source must also be approved. Customers renting or bringing in sound equipment or lighting must list the amount of power, in watts or amps, required for the safe operation of each piece of equipment to prevent overloading or damaging circuits.
The Equipment Approval form should be submitted directly to the Event Management office at least 21 days prior to the proposed event.
Security must conduct a security assessment in the following situations:
- Events where alcohol will be served in Student Affairs-managed spaces
- Outdoor concerts and other events open to the public
- Any events ending after midnight
- Student events where admission or other paper money will be collected
- Other large events or programs which include security risks or concerns determined by the Event Management Office or the University Police
Event organizers must submit a security request form at least fourteen (14) days in advance. UPD will determine necessary security requirements and costs.
Tent or Inflatables**
Tent Permit:
Each form includes instructions for proper submission.
Submit the tent permit at least fourteen (14) days prior to the proposed event.
**Note: Inspection by Facilities Management and/or Environmental Health and Safety is included/required in the approval process. Bounce houses are not allowed.
Temporary Building Permit Form**
Temporary Structures, Stages, and Amusement Devices: Temporary Building Permit Form
Each form includes instructions for proper submission.
Submit the form at least fourteen (14) days prior to the proposed event.
**Note: Inspection by Facilities Management and/or Office of the University Building Official is included/required in the approval process.